When a Husband gives money to his Wife - with Answer

When a Husband gives money to his Wife what do we call it?

Money has different names !!! In temple its called Daan, in school its (fee), in marriage it's called (dowry), in divorce (alimony), when u owe someone its (debt ), when u pay the government (tax), in court (fines), civil servant retirees (pension) boss to workers (salary), master to subordinates (wages), children (maintenance), when u borrow from bank (loan), when u offer after a service (tip), to kidnappers(ransom)illegally received in d name of service (bribe).
The question is "When a Husband gives to his Wife what do we call it?

Solve it if you are a genius !!!

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Pin Money (Though there are several answers for this Pin Money can be a good defenition for it.

1 comment:

  1. Money has various names based on context. The SASSA program provides grants sassa srd identity verification, not loans, offering financial support to vulnerable individuals, ensuring access to essential services and improving their quality of life effectively.


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