Ithinu Marupadi Parayan Ningalonnalochikkendi Varum - Coin Puzzle | with Answer

"Ithinu marupadi parayan ningalonnalochikkendivarum"

Coin Puzzle with Answer

WhatsApp trending coin puzzle with full answer


Equation 1: 10 + 10 + 10 = 30
Equation 2: 5 + 5 + 2 = 12
Equation 3: 10 + 1 + 5 = 16
Equation 4: (5 + 4) - (10 + 2) + (1 + 10 + 1) = 7


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  2. Pi Coin is a digital currency that operates on the Pi Network, a blockchain platform designed to be mined on mobile devices with minimal energy consumption. Launched in 2019, Pi Coin aims to create a more accessible cryptocurrency by allowing anyone with a smartphone to mine it, making it different from traditional coins like Bitcoin. As the network grows and develops, sell Pi Coin hopes to become a widely used and traded cryptocurrency, offering opportunities for early adopters to be part of a growing community and ecosystem.


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