I am a number | I am not an odd number | I am higher than 90 - with Answer

 Maths puzzle with Answer

I am a number

I am not an odd number

I am higher than 90

I am not higher than 100

If you subtract me from 100, you get nothing.

What number am I?


100 is the answer.

Hint 1: I am a number :- The answer can be any number

Hint 2: I am not an odd number :- The answer is an even number

Hint 3: I am higher than 90 :- The answer will be a number greater than 92

Hint 4: I am not higher than 100 :- The answer can be 92 or 94 or 96 or 98 or 100

Hint 5: If you subtract me from 100, you get nothing :- So 100 - 100 = 0.

So the correct answer will be 100.

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